Other professional services, consultations

To help clients obtain complete information for decision making, the company «Bentams audit» provides auditing services and advice of various types.

Tax consultations

«Bentams audit» LLC verifies compliance with tax laws and consults on taxes in order to identify and eliminate tax risks. Checking tax accounting, we independently form gross income, gross expenses, tax liabilities and tax credit for VAT, compare our calculations with the company's declarations, determine the causes of discrepancies and give suggestions and recommendations for eliminating them. Our proposals and recommendations are based on practical experience, knowledge and ability to predict the position of tax and judicial authorities, and do not contradict with the legislation of Ukraine.

Management accounting

Development and implementation of management accounting, its analysis, determination of the optimal cost structure, development of management reporting forms in order to provide the highest management team of the company with reliable information on the basis of which important business decisions are made.

Internal audit

Here you can get advice on how to conduct internal audit at the enterprise, including methodological assistance in organizing the work of the internal audit service.

Training for company employees

Conducting seminars and trainings for company employees regarding accounting and financial reporting issues in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


Prompt professional assistance in case of questions on financial, management and tax accounting, which is provided at the exact moment when it's needed.

Comprehensive service

Comprehensive services include auditing of financial statements, checking tax accounting, testing the effectiveness of internal controls, checking management accounting, consulting services. We accompany tax accounting during the year (quarterly verification of declarations is possible), advise in writing on accounting, tax and management accounting, and confirm annual financial statements.

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